>>56860999>I think your energy costs are way too high for what you're trying to do. 2 energy, 2 energy, 3 energy. It's too much. I'd swap out something for a Seaking if you have it. Probably Frosmoth, it just feels like a bad Dugtrio to me. Regular Starmie, Farfetch'd, Mienshao, or Dodrio are also okay picks. Just something with a low energy cost and preferably a lot of HP, which is why I suggest Seaking.Checked!
Frosmoth is the deck, it's in a different tier altogether and it can win on its own if you they fail the roll. It's Seaking and Dugtrio in one card with effectively no weakness.
Energy is right on the curve except for Seadra which sits in the back and you feed it with when you can spare it so it can snipe late game. The deck has the same issues as all the evolution decks I have played: going second is almost a guaranteed loss and you have to get all the cards you need in order.