Plot twist - Darmanitan didn't hit the field at all. It was Butterfree of all things that mowed through his team with Air Slash with Bronzong supporting. And unlike Darmanitan it doesn't crumple to a crit Scald.
Things are looking up. The team is fully evolved now and I have lots of new catches coming up. Maybe I could've gotten away with being less overleveled but I'm glad I can feel safe. Bronzong is the real MVP, and Heatproof has been useful.
>>37987237That's fair. Since Aron's popular I can understand why people would do that since the chance of using it in a regular playthrough is so low. And Nosepass is literally impossible to use in RSE without Repels so that's a thing.
But being legit makes getting Aron that much sweeter. That's also why I don't use things like Pinwheel Clause.