>>39804671Your mom caught you masturbating once and neither of you ever said anything about it.
>>39804698You prefer fried eggs but when you go out for breakfast you always order scrambled because no one makes them the way you like anyway.
>>39804716You had an emo/scene/otherwise edgy phase in high school that didn't work out well and it kind of embarasses you to think about it.
>>39804719You have at least one console that you almost never play games on.
>>39804740You're reflexively polite and you wish you weren't.
>>39804771You stopped watching an anime you liked because you found out it was normie-tier.
>>39804789You consider yourself a metal fan but haven't found time to get into some subgenres you want to explore.
>>39804870You liked sceptile better until you found out fire chicken was strong in competitive.