>>42974310You came up with this template, OP? I like the concept, good on you.
>Companion: PachirisuMy favorite of the ‘chu counterparts. Small and cute while still fairly tough, and can supply me with random loot from Pickup.
>Strength: HariyamaDid you know Hariyama’s actually gigantic? He’s seven foot seven and a bit over a quarter ton in weight. He can easily handle whatever brute force needs I have.
>Healing: GardevoirLearns basically all the healing moves, and if all else fails we can emergency teleport back to a Center.
>Water Travel: WailmerEasily big enough to ride on, and a great diver if the need arises. Wailord’s awesome but probably too huge for anything but long distance ocean travel.
>Air Travel: DrampaThe friendliest, comfiest dragon. Also he’s basically Falkor so that’s great.
>Land Travel: GogoatGrass types are my favorite, and Gogoat’s whole design is fantastic. His whole schtick is carrying people around, you can’t go wrong here.
>Warmth: VolcaronaIt’s literally credited with bringing relief from the cold in the pokedex. Praise the sunbug.
>Cold: FrosmothI haven’t actually played SwSh, but I liked the symmetry of having a heat moth and a freeze moth. I’m not big on ice types anyway, so this works fine.
>Miscellaneous: SmeargleFor literally any other utility moves I need.