>>39192979I'm not saying you have to be hype, buddy. You don't even have to watch it.
But a league is a league, regardless of your distaste for the Pokemon or characters involved, or the location or ruleset the league uses. "Shitmons" is a non-argument considering how the anime constantly stresses that a Pokemon doesn't need to be a statistical powerhouse or fully evolved to perform well. A Magikarp could beat a Tyranitar with no help if they so wished.
We all know you're dismissing it using any petty reasoning you can scrape up because you want to trivialize Ash's hypothetical victory after the travesty that was him losing in the fan favorite season to assure yourself that SM can, in no way, 1-up XYZ. You're that adamant that you think Ash losing here would be retribution for the writers and artists not personally catering to the you and the shounen-esque crowd, and him winning would be unjust and a waste given your preferences for previous seasons.
Feel free to keep trying to rationalize it not being a real league, though.
>>39192986True that there aren't any prerequisites to enter, but they'll quickly clear all the cannon fodder and get on with the battles between competent trainers. Ash only gave the league consideration after Kukui brings it up because the league didn't even exist yet. Even after it started development and is finished, we don't need every other word out of Ash's mouth to be "league" or "Pokemon Master". We already know his character. Funnily enough, Ash's character was subject to reverse-Flanderization in SM. Not greatly, but it's there.