>>54266372Your opinion is less than worthless. 日本においては、決して不正行為を許すことはございません。There is no amount of protesting or crybaby nonsense that will ever let you get your way.
This isn't casual fun, this is a hardcore competition. Go play Pokémon Snap if you want to just chill and be a casual like millions already are. もし貴殿が最も優れた存在となりたいと望むのであれば、他の競技者を凌駕する優越を主張したいと願うのであれば、赤ん坊のように泣くのではなく。Other players don't care about your meaningless life. Follow the rules or get off the stage. There are plenty of people that can play Pokémon without excuses.
卓越を追求せよ。規則を厳格に従え。言い訳を顧みるな。緩やかなる関与を超え、激しい競いを優先せよ。Or at the very least, keep your mouth shut.