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I dun goof'd. Going for Dig with Raticate gave Surge's Raichu free turns to Double Team, and that combined with paralysis made it so I basically can't hit it at all. Shock Wave was doing way too much to my whole team. I think it got up to +6 Evasion because it started spamming Shock Wave nonstop. What I wouldn't do for a Diggersby or something. Eventually I was forced to sac CH'DING the Farfetch'd, rest in piece. And at that point my whole team was at red health and it was up to Pidgeotto or Raticate to hit a Quick Attack through +6 and paralysis. Lucky for me, James came in clutch and defied the type disadvantage, hitting that Quick Attack. I almost wiped. Next time I won't underestimate gym leaders. Besides I think STAB Hyper Fang is stronger than Dig anyways, Dig only had 60 BP this gen.
Silver lining is that this battle's finally more interesting than catching a Diglett and spamming Magnitude. That's what monotype runs are about, right?
Also Raticate is now punished for my cockiness and is forced to be my Cut slave.