>>49375451Millions of people are retarded. Well, several billion, but I digress. Pokemon hasn't produced a good game since 2012. This is objective fact. By every metric, the games have gone completely off the cliff in quality. You can say they're fine, but they're not. Game length has shortened immensely, the games are stripped of content, the level design has suffered immensely for the sake of world design in a series with notably poor world design, the difficulty is nonexistent and there is no challenge remaining, and yes, the graphics are hugely disappointing.
If you like the formula, nothing is stopping you from endlessly replaying the old, good games like tons of actual fans of the series. You don't have to support the laziness and incompetence of Game Freak to still get your Pokemon fix. Emulators are free, and they allow you to spice up your playthroughs with things like randomizers.