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Okay so
>the main generational gimmick, Dynamax, has nothing to do with Zacian and Zamazenta, it's related to Eternatus instead
>the legendary the antagonist needs and awakes isn't Zacian nor Zamazenta, but Eternatus
>and the legendary you are supposed to catch (in fact you can't fucking not catch him, like in Black, White, X, Y, etc) isn't Zacian nor Zamazenta (they are post-game content), the one you catch is, again, Eternatus
Why the fuck is the game called Sword/Shield and not "Stars" or "Meteor" or something like that? This is Eternatus fucking game, not Zacian/Zamazentas's, they are just shoehorned during the climax of Eternatus' story, it's like if Latios and Latias appeared to fight with you against the legendary pokemon in Hoenn and they were the mascots of Ruby and Sapphire and only one member of the weather trio existed, this is even lazier than the Ultra games, I'm sick of GF excuses to sell two versions of the same game