>>15860961His club is strong, it chips away at the Onix's clear skin with each and every bludgeon he gives him. His lamprey mouth squeals, showing rays of chaotically good determination. Too bad the Crystal Onix doesn't like those apples.
He bites the acidic tyrant's arm and flings him to a wall. Figuring that he's down for the count, the Crystal Onix sweeps in for the kill, but the toxic giant isn't going to give up that easily. He bludgeons the snake again just as he's about to use an Earthquake on the whole cave.
That's actually a good thing because an Earthquake would totally just rain on your parade and you honestly don't need anything like that right now.
Three more bludgeons gives the Crystal Onix some actual pretty good dents into him, but it's not enough for him to throw in the towel. A desperate approach forces the toxic titan to resort to desperate measures in these desperate times.
He sticks his whole arm inside the rock snake's mouth, and pulls something out in an endeavor to make him feel dizzy and uneasy.
>What does the monster retrieve!?A) Hiker Gordo's supply of crystals.
B) The Fossil Lab's stolen fossils.