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George is back with a give away from my day's breeding work. All are Timid, all are compound eyes unless stated. All 4IV Joltiks are free but obviously something nice would be appreciated in return. 5IV i'd like to only trade for other 5IV mons. If you want two 4IV Joltik of opposite gender to breed then I ask for the same in return (2 4IV mons of different gender).
Rules: If you ask for a joltik you must say which number(s) you want. If its a 5 IV put your offer. You must post your FC and In game name. This gets difficult enough without having to chase people up. I have 1 hour till I wanna go watch MOTD
1. Male hp/df/sp.atk/sp.df (4)
2. Male hp/df/sp.df/spe (4)
3. Female hp/sp.atk/sp.df/spe (4)
4. Female hp/df/sp.atk/sp.df/ (4)
5. Female hp/df/sp.atk/spe (4)
6. Female hp/df/sp.atk/sp.df/spe (5) unnerve
7. Female hp/df/sp.atk/sp.df (4)
8. Female df/sp.atk/sp.df/spe (4)
9. Male hp/df/sp.atk/sp.df (4)
10. Male hp/df/sp.atk/sp.df/spe (5) unnerve
11. Male hp/df/sp.atk/spe (4)
12. Female hp/sp.atk/sp.df/spe (4)
13. Female hp/df/sp.atk/sp.df (4)
14. Male hp/sp.atk/sp.df/spe (4)
15. Female df/sp.atk/sp.df/spe (4)
16. Female df/sp.atk/sp.df/spe (4)
17. Female hp/df/sp.df/spe (4)
18. Male hp/df/sp.atk/sp.df (4) unnerve
19. Male hp/df/sp.atk/spe (4)
20. Male hp/df/sp.atk/sp.df (4) unnerve
21. Female hp/df/sp.atk/sp.df (4)
22. Female hp/df/sp.atk/sp.df/ (4)
23. Male hp/sp.atk/sp.df/spe (4)
24. Male hp/df/sp.atk/sp.df/spe (5)
25. Male hp/sp.atk/sp.df/spe (4)