>>47122516I really loved this fucker already when i was 7 but with time i just enjoyed it even more.
> It's used by Erika, one of my first anima/vidya game crushes.> Unique status of being the only mono-grass Pokemon in Gen I.> Despite how relatively close it is to Pallet Town, Tangela is completely unavailable until after defeating Koga. Dunno, this "so close yet so far" feeling seems kinda interesting. I can imagine little Red/Player-kun before becoming trainer just standing on the beach next to his town and watching these weird, unique creatures, despite them being absolutely unavailable for him.> The design is kinda cool. It's a bunch of vines/bush/seaweeds with elements of Medusa and a shaggy creature with face entirelly covered by tentacles. It has that quirky mix of cute, mysterious and just a bit cool.Tangela is fucking based, lol.