>>35543128Silver is off to an interesting start. As someone who has never chosen it the Chikorita line have far exceeded my expectations. Getting reflect so early has been hella useful and she's not too bad offensively either. Our mon choices have been fairly limited since I've botched a few captures but I'm liking how the team is shaping up so far.
We actually had a pretty close call against Bugsy. Turns out you don't get the traded pokemon obey you level until after the second badge so Sigurd was less than cooperative. Scyther kept stacking up those Fury Cutters and we nearly had a full wipe if Sigurd didn't decide to use rock throw at the last possible second.
After picking up a few more friends around Goldenrod we took on Whitney. While not a highly dangerous match it sure was fucking annoying thanks to Milk Drink. We finally felled the beast that is Miltank thanks to a combination of Hildyr's poison powder and Sigurd's screech and defenses. I'm not too worried about Morty but death always shows up in the most unlikely places...
>>35544045I'm gonna save kanto post game for Soul silver and Heart gold to give the games a little bit more variety.