Hello and Welcome to Showderp! Here, you are forced to take a survey, where we give you six champs, and you gotta run them on the vast ladders of Pokemon Showdown!
If you find them to be massive faggots, you can call for 6 new champs, after which the first 6 posts become your new choices.
Of course, all champs are faggots sometimes, so if you feel homophobic, you can simply quit the survey by calling "new surveryer". If you do so, the first tripcode to claim "me champagne" gets to be our new LGBTQ+ White Knight sjw surveyee.
>Champsdogars.ml>Gay Porn by OC by said champsshowderp.booru.com>Current Surveyee!il0z5yHwao
>Last Survey>>>36931392