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Why is GF so stupid?
I'm not talking about designs, I'm talking about stats and stuff. Take Tropius for example, one of my fav poké since rse, since first time he has been a NU. His stats are completely random, 99 hp? Why the fuck, 2 more and he could set up a proper subs.
What bugs me isn't really the stats, it's that they had 2 generations (now 3) to fix easy stuff like that. I'm okay with new forms, new things, making stuff more appealing to children. I mean, Salamence changed colours twice or thrice. If you're gonna take your time and change something, like uh, Mewtwo, why not change stats? I understand that we need weak pokés, but I dunno man. Instead of fixing stuff/problems, to me it's always about adding and adding and adding.
Honestly, would it be that hard? Or they just don't give a shit?
I bet SR and rain wont get nerfed so soon, instead, something even worse will appear and will change the whole metagame, to the point those will become less common.