Quoted By:
>find old gameboy and games
>remember werster speedrunning emerald all gold emblems
>decide to follow along
>”this will be easy I’ll just reset whenever he does and do the same to get the same rng”
>massively fail
>end up finding eontimer because apparently there’s no other timer that counts down with hundredths of a second on the Internet except for it and frame spreadsheet
>works, get my good IV Mudkip
>doing good
>time to catch rayquaza
>this Australian fucker rng manipulates not only the poke but also a regular pokeball to catch it from full health
>can’t do it for the life of me, end up having to fight it 20 levels below and settle for a shit nature shit IV one after like 10 hours
>Latios time
>after some trial and error get the right one
>battle frontier time
>dude manips the Battle Factory into giving him good choices 6 times while calculating when to last input on the fly
>me with my shitty understanding of eontimer can barely get 4 and have spent the last 3 days trying to get to 6th run through for the second time
How the fuck do people manage to hit one frame windows so easily? Am I just dogshit at eontimer?