>>40107984I was really happy that I encountered a Sandile and Scraggy in White, since it guaranteed a Darumaka encounter in Route 4. Everyone knows what a beast that mon is.
Well my happiness was short lived. It failed to one shot Burgh's Dwebble, and got crit by a Smack Down, going down. ;_;
I had to bring Rambo out to finish it, but it kept healing and it nearly killed Rambo after another crit.
His Leavanny then came out, I sent out Blubber but everytime I'd use Hypnosis he would use Protect. Eventually I just started attacking but it was too strong so I sent Major out.
Major died to a crit from Razor Leaf, leaving me with a weakened Rambo and Blubber. I had to send out Lancel, who Rock Blast had to hit at least 4 times to end that darned bug, otherwise it would live and wipe me. Thankfully it did hit 4 times and I won the stupid badge.
What a Pyrrhic victory.