>>54981378Here's what you're gonna do.
You're gonna get yourself a Good Rod, and you're going to go fishing in the pond in Petalburg City for a Corphish. It's a 5% chance for an encounter, so you're gonna have to sit down and sink some time into looking for one. Half of the region's made of water, you're going to need a Water-type, and you're going to need one before the fourth gym.
Then you're gonna catch a Baltoy on Route 111 after you beat Flannery. Not before, because then you can't get the Go-Goggles. You make sure it's level 23. Not 21, not 22, 23. If it's not 23, you kill it and you try again.
You should have a Crawdaunt around Fortree and a Claydol by the time you reach Tate & Liza. That's the rest of your team.