>>55062039Same. Once again, anything in SV that was thought to be promising ended up in complete disappointment.
ywn have the following, why even live?
>Pecharunt disappears from Peachy's without warning after completing The Teal Mask, following Kieran to Blueberry Academy>Nemona, Penny, and Arven are there>Pecharunt increases its hold on Kieran, possessing him to feed the mochi to everyone after he defeats them in battle>It's up to you the player and whoever he has yet to convert (BB League Elite Four?) to stop Kieran and his new legendary>Kieran is even more of an edgelord, taunting you with actions such as force feeding Arven the mochi in front of you while all you can do is watch>Special interactions occur if you face Kieran's Pecharunt with Ogerpon or any of the Loyal Three>Pecharunt flees after losing, becoming wild again, allowing you to catch it for yourself>Snacksworth is involved somehowAlternatively,
>Blueberry Academy never existed. Kieran and Pecharunt go to Naranja/Uva Academy instead.>Kieran takes over the entire school, renaming it to Meloc Academy. The Academy returns to its former self after the story, but you can customize your club room back to the Meloc theme for LP.