>>55285236>deleted from MLits literally a legend team though?
confirmed last season or the season before that
>>55285164i would consider checking iv on pokegenie
+ this link here
https://iv4u.lima-city.de/?l=en&m=3&m2=3&p=Excadrillits good
i think you kinda want the non-shadowform but the way i use it (it demands shields regardless)
could be worth it
annoying as fuck to grind XL for
good luck anon
>>55284687im just glad my skarm never really got nerfed out of it
it draws a LOT of concedes kek
people are such dramaqueens
>GREETINGS FR0M HiGH PLAiNS REGiONthe gifts are dumb and ugly & literally dont matter
but everyday, our friendship grows & grows
read Gods holy word in the king james bible daily
every day is a gift
every single day, a chance
it is never too late to become who you want to be
until tomorrow -
with love,