>>11816496Part 39:
http://pastebin.com/kqECFfJw>After this week, I will mostly stick to one-shots.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>Part 40: Down the Rabbit Hole All Over Again. . .
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQqJVweHq6MA warm fireplace crackles in the sitting room of the cozy cabin, which is situated in the middle of a snowy wilderness, in an unknown region for an unknown purpose, previously belonging to an unknown individual.
There is but one person in this sitting room, and in actuality, he is not even a real person. He is a snowman, who in turn is actually a robot, so a robot snowman.
He is Nibbles, the Broken-Down Animatronic Snowman Buddy. Alone, smoking a cigar while his metal snowman body reacts in a very negative way.
He speaks with his fucked-up talking problem, whilst his lower jaw attempts to refrain itself from melting into a puddle of white, metallic goo.
"Oi? Ah! Hallo, glim-gobboos! Hoo hoo hoo!"
Nibbles tosses the cigar away, "How are yew all dowin' this aftermoon? Ya mee bee wandering ware 'tee oddah guys ar! Wale, they's had to go oot for a cooffeee brake, so they's turned mee on and said that I hod hoosting dawties, gyuh hoo hoo hoo!"
Nibbles proceeds to clap in bliss, "Hawray hawray, I shooted, hawray! I am so glud to see you awl agon afftar so-long! My joob far tooday is too tell yoo a story or five, using my hoolahgrophic pentagoon!"
The snowman tosses a pentagon in the air, which begins spinning, revealing five landmasses, "These ploces, are 'dah ploces we wall be foocusing on tooday. I wall recite 'tah thee, storiees about the ancient prophecy! Stooriees about valiant battoes, dispookable villains, and sum lahve mooxed in with a spacial theme that ties 'dem all toogethar!"