Game i played for the very first time was platinum, stole it from my sister countless times (along with PMD: EOS), very first starter was turtwig. during a few of those times (AKA files from them being deleted when she kept getting her stuff back) i was mostly cucked by candice, the last time i played the game i was fighting cynthia but never got past her (until earlier this year via DSImenu++)
Other games played (In order):
FireRed (via Visual Boy Advance)
HeartGold (first owned pokemon game, later lost) (using 'owned' because my dad bought it)
White (2nd owned, doesn't work anymore)
UltraMoon (3rd owned, mom bought it for me alongside a new 2DS XL pokeball edition)
Y (hacked 3DS and downloaded it)
Emerald (Same as FR)
Crystal VC (Newest bought in digital terms)
Omegaruby (downloaded as CIA)
Red (VC) (downloaded as CIA)
White 2 (Playing right now, never got the chance to play this in years so i teared up a bit)
Favorite player character is pic related
Will probably get shield (until i know what the female clothing options are so i can forge together my fetish similar to the one in UM)