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Effie returned to her journey in a malodorus haze. She still wasn't over the loss of her pair, but she knew she needed to keep going- mainly because Brendan was still on his journey, and they'd promised to do this together.
So, she trekked onto Fallarbor town, trudging through the soot and sand of the routes prior to finally make it to the tiny town... only to be met with the news of a kidnapping.
Her immediate next reaction was to go and stop it, but that required climbing all of Mt Chimney...
...in a lift!
She took the lift and got there in no time, and before long Minnie had taken out Maxie's ENTIRE TEAM through sheer force of will, powering through -6 accuracy and SEVEN near-death experiences before taking them all out.
That put a spring back in Effie's step, and attracted some other mon too! Before long she had a full team again, and had even been entrusted with an egg once she got to Lavaridge as thanks for helping.
That egg soon hatched into a promising Wynaut, and the journey continued from there...