>>52871516>going through Ultra Moon on canary>catching the pokemon as i progress through the story where they spawn in nat dex (so combusken on the second island, prinplup on the third, lugia in ultra space)>mareep made shiny because it was my first one all those years back in the original gen2 games and is my bro (and its mega evolution puts it at pesudo stats)>lugia because no gen2 legendary has a Rainbow Rocket boss rep, so its perfect for 'clash of titans'-esque story for the end game plus it was favorite legendary since the pokemon 2000 movieThe only thing i cant decide is when to give myself mega evolution. Im thinking when Kukui gives me the decidium-z (since i dont use z-moves and it gives me at least half of the story with mega amphy). Currently at the panolia ranch after fighting Hop with cutifly, dartrix, and mareep.