>>53054845hmmm, yes it's the *teras my dragapult into a steel type, resists a move that would have killed it otherwise and proceeds to rape you with terablast* most well deisgned battle mechanic they've introduced since *the animation goes first so you have no way to counter it* gen 3. it's the best gimmick since *teras my maushold into a ghost type as soon as i see koraidon* triple/rotation battle. it is mechanically a *obliterates your entire team with electric miraidon since none of the useable ground types are outspeeding* lot of fun. best gimmick so far *reams my tera type fairy garchomp hand so far up your chien pao's ass that it comes out its mouth and punches the swords stuck in its face out* actually sad to *gangbangs your koraidon back into the cretacious period with population bomb after rendering a guarenteed oneshot collision course ineffective* see it go *guts you and hangs you with your own intestines* next gen.