>We went through the Amethyst Cave to reach the second town in the game, catching some new mons in the process.>We then got abducted by yet another cute girl into some kind of squid game, now with actual squids.>Also, Chuckshrew evolved, and her shiny bears uncanny resemblance to some custom shiny I recolored for a thread 5 months ago. >We also raided a Team Xen warehouse, and did some other sidequests.>I found the daycare, and decided to leave Wotter and Chuckshrew in there to see what happens. I think they really like eachother.>We also bought Twitter for 41 billion pokedollars.>We then fought Keta with a very shitty team, then I fixed Heliofug's IVs for a rematch, and won.>Clippy gave me some advice for the visual novel segment.>We followed Aelita into the lava base for the Obligatory Level 20 Evil Team Base Segment. Also, sentient security lampposts with only a single mon each. At least 100 repels were needed to maintain my sanity, since the enitre base was made up of cave encounter tiles.>Some faggot tried and failed to ban my strongest (non-uber) pokemon.>We then fought Team Xen Admin Madelis, who had a very underleveled Shadow Mewtwo, and bullshit EMPed my Snag Device.>FUCKING KETA YOU KILLSTEALING FAGGOT>The TALLY OF ATROCITY updates right as I hit image limit.All this and still no second badge.
Confirmed deaths: 3
Voided: 2?
Acts of torture: 0
A Pokemon is ordered to attack a trainer directly: 1
Bad guys escape somehow: 1
Good guys escape somehow: 2
Absols: 1
Previous Threads: the fuck is this garbage?
>This is Pokemon Rejuvenation, another Pokemon fangame made in RPG maker>It's a long and "hard" fangame, with an even more schizophrenic plot than Reborn.>Who gets used, who we catch, etc. will all be chosen by you, the thread.