>>36338366Caught Owl City the Volbeat, FuckNShuck the Shuckle, The Word the Pidgeot, Tombstoner the Marowak, and TootsiePop the Hoothoot on the long, LONG way to Lavaridge. Along the way Chad Thundercock critted an Electric-type encounter to death AGAIN. Fucking Chad, acts like he's hot shit but he's so insecure he feels threatened by a Pichu of all things. You're not fooling anyone Chad.
The journey was relatively uneventful save for a second Wobbuffet scare, and once again my fears were unfounded because holy shit this thing must have had ass IVs in HP, Double Kick did more than half and the Counter barely even tickled. The Wynaut Egg hatched into VantaBlack the Umbreon, I got mostly shitty TMs again (dat Dragon Dance tho), and there were enough trainers that I didn't have to grind for the Gym this time.
Flannery's Dodrio, Treecko, and Shuppet went down without a fight. Her thicc-ass Clefable decided to be a cheeky cunt and survive a STAB Double Kick from Sanders (evolve already you flaccid fuck), then Metronomed... Double Slap. And missed. Bravo Clefable. Got my Heat Badge and a shiny new Mist Ball TM for Danger Dog. Halfway through the game and only one casualty so far? I might actually win this thing.