A lot of my catches have been kinda underwhelming. Like Haunter is kind of the same thing as Weezing but stronger. I want an Electric type.
Anyways I'm terrified of Skyla but Aggron's my best type advantage. I honestly don't know what to expect because there's so many flying types in this game. If I have to deal with DD Salamence or something it's already game over.
>>36658565Darmanitan has no counters. I don't think you have to fight a ton of them but that's rough.
>>36657642I like it anon, keep drawing!
>>36659481Usually you have to get unlucky or handicap yourself to have interesting stories. It's good that you're doing good!
>>36659427Good luck, anon. Be sure to grind up Cranidos a lot, Cyrus's whole team is literally weak to rock.