>>54085007I’m using the anime, games, and Masters for reference. That’s why I gave reasons for the choices, although I can see your point.
>>Clefairy(Egg from Lusamine’s Clefable because of course Lillie likes cute and Lusamine wants her daughter to have her Pokémon’s daughter)>Poliwhirl(Catches with fishing rod after trying one out a fishing rod from the guru)>Sandlash(Kantonian form of a familiar Pokémon caught around Cerulian)>Bellossom(I like your idea and it reminds her of Alola. She catches it when she arrives around Cerulean city) >Alolan Vulpix(I still like that idea)>Rapidash(She arrives in Vermilion city and visits the fan club and finds it adorable and beautiful)I tried to give her a well rounded team. She would try and get some Pokémon before battling Surge and would have them readily available.