>>45568569>GS Chronicles Bugfix Release 11 30 2020[FIXED] Silver Walking over a plant in Goldenrod Tower
[FIXED] Incorrect text from Gym statues
[FIXED] Pokémon Center from Blackthorn City breaking the game
[FIXED] Incorrect warp permissions from Whirl Islands stairs
[FIXED] Duplicated TM found in Rocket Basement
[FIXED] Game breaking when entering to Cianwood gate to Route 48
[FIXED] Karate King giving you infinite Tyrogue
[FIXED] Pokéball in Rocket Basement disappearing after being defeated by the Rocket Admin
[FIXED] Dazzling Gleam duplicated
[FIXED] Whitney acting like defeated when talking the first time
[FIXED] Incorrect tile permissions reported
[FIXED] Machoke acting as Machop in Route 38 gate
[FIXED] Nincada found in Waters from Union Cave
Cap'n AnonToday at 3:21 PM
[FIXED] Day-care crashing when taking back a Pokémon (Thanks to Anon822)
[FIXED] Incorrect tree graphics shown in Mahogany Town
[FIXED] Grammar and misspelling issues
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