Quoted By:
7. Gen, The Move Gen, but, we have 16 New Abilitys, all declared,
we have 7 new Moves but without accurate explanation.
Fleur Cannon, Type?, Power?, Effekt explained , Accuracy?. PP?, Category?
Core Enforcer Type?, Power?, Effekt explained , Accuracy?. PP?, Category?
Moongeist Beam Type?, Power?, Effekt explained , Accuracy?. PP?, Category?
Sunsteel Strike Type?, Power?, Effekt explained , Accuracy?. PP?, Category?
High Horsepower Type?, Power?, Effekt?, Accuracy?. PP?, Category?
Leafage Type Grass, Power?, Effekt? , Accuracy?. PP 40, Category?
Nature’s Madness Type?, Power reduces the opponent's HP by half., Effekt explained , Accuracy?. PP?, Category?