>>45347316>make a mistake on Pokémon >cry about it because 77 cents is a huge deal to you, it’s worth at least 15 sponge Bob memes>doesn’t realize he’s dealing with a master who has been on 4chan longer than he’s been alive I have been lurking this website for almost 15 years
I’ve seen it all
I remember buying curtains and a dog
I remember Scientology raids
I remember when Steve Irwin fought the stingray
I’ve probably caught a Pokémon for every day you’ve been alive in this planet since I assume you to be roughly 16 which would be roughly 1800 days boy was I wrong I caught over 1,000,000 Pokémon in Go
That’s the difference between you and me, son. I’m not some zoomer meme teen who couldn’t name one this is Sparta remix to save his worthless life. I’m the real deal. I can admit when I’m wrong. And I know how to be better.
Son, I am better. And you just got pooped on.