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The only objective tier list. Your opinions and feelings of disagreements are wrong.
BW2 are packed to the brim with content, have by far the best single player story, Hugh is by far the best rival, gorgeous sprites that ooze personality, challenge mode, first and only "3rd version" that is a proper sequel.
Every pokemon game gen 3 onward generally plays the same but RBY is the only game of its kind, its a fucking mess and its great because of it. Crit rates, 1 special stat, badge boosts. Missingno, mew glitch, etc. The lack of hand-holding, and the world opening up so much after celadon really works well for it being one of the few games in the series that captures that "going on an adventure" feeling. Rival feels like a rival and is always one step ahead, examining the statues in every gym always shows that he beat the gym first, something that never returned in later games.
g/s are that low because if you put nostalgia aside had a great idea but are plagued with issues like its shitty level curve. At least it's the generation that produces the best rom hacks.
FRLG are what you actually think of when you rate the gen 1 games low, its pretty much the shitty parts of gen 1. Everything fun and unique about those games are gone and instead you have a standardized dull game with nothing going for it other than bringing the missing pokemon not in RS to competitive. At least Lets go!, despite all its flaws, is a fun game for your kids and a decent modern entry point into the series.
the 3ds era games bastardized all the progress gen 5 had made,
I could write 500 pages on how shitty the 3ds and switch games are, youve heard it all before, you can throw out as many buzzwords as you want to try to invalidate the games critic all you want but you know its true, you know deep down these games are shit and you know why. Its sad when a 6 frame animation of a pokemon on fucking pokemon crystal on the game boy has more personality than a game on the fucking switch