Gonna see if I can tackle revamping my old design next.
http://bummerdude.deviantart.com/art/Rawk-Fakemawn-252485113I still see it shared from time to time, so I suppose people like the concept, but pretty much all the final stages will be significantly changed as I have another element to incorporate.
Two mons I consciously wanted to distance pic related from is Larvitar and Sableye, since former has the same overall build while the latter also has crystals on its body. Changing its crystal eye to something else could lessen to similarity to Sableye, but at the same time it feels silly to let a mon that isn't even part rock keep monopoly on such a cool body feature. Also thinking of giving all stages Compound Eyes as ability, just to let something that isn't bug make use of it so that those Stone Edges won't miss.