"In Fairy of the Dawn from 'Rumänische Märchen' (Romanian tales), the NYMPH-like Fairy of the Dawn was the guardian of a fountain whose water contained magical properties. To reach the fountain one must pass a three-headed fire breathing dragon, defeat the evil Welwa (Goblin) of the Copper Woods, the Welwa of the Silver Woods, the Welwa of the Gold Woods, safely pass through the frozen and icy kingdom of the goddess Mittwoch (feminine form of Roman god, Mercury), pass safely through the kingdom of the goddess of thunder, Donnerstag (feminine form of Jupiter) and finally through the kingdom of Vineri (goddess Venus)."
Another passing account dragons serving faeries. This actually kind of reminds me of Tapu Fini's info page on the official S&M site when it mentions people seeking her mystical waters.
>>29593723Oh yeah, that's well observed. It also reminds me that Kalos is actually quite inspired by French sceneries, geography and motifs. As I'm finding out, a number of these fairy tales seem to have originated from 16-17th century France, including the one about the Sleeping Beauty (although variations seem to exist across multiple regions and folklores, hell (no pun), Brunhilde is arguably a 'sleeping beauty' conforming this archetype).