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OK so I usually wait til the latest gen hits before I play the current one, so sith sun/moon around the corner, I can finally break down and play XY/Oras. Why do I do this instead of playing the newest games right away? Because I'm. Filthy cheater. I have a particular team that I've used over the years that I always start with, god bless ActionReply for letting me do so. But I've yet to use a cheat device on a 3ds game. Ive been looking into it and it seems way more overly conplicated than it should be, than it used to be. So I looked into the whole "injecting" thread, buy they limit you to only requesting 3 pokes (per thread), and can't give pokes "illegal" moves (two of my pokes have moves they otherwise shoulder learn, buy I still sleep at night because they're not anything OP and I don't battle competitively anyways)
Anyone have experience using a cheat device on XY? Is there a catch any Pokemon, Modify Moves, Modify Nature, max IVs codes? Don't want to drop $20 extra dollars on something only to find out it won't do what I ask of it.
>get gud
>filthy cheater
Yea yea. I'm asking for someone to share their experience with me, not criticism in abstract gaming morality. Please be relatively respectful.