Doing Pinwheel Clause because I'm bitter. I'm not sure how far people take this kind of clause (e.g. Multiple Chargestone Cave catches or 2 Dragonspiral Tower catches) but it'll depend on how mad I am. Oddish seems cool. Probably gonna be Vileplume unless I want to take a chance on Drayano buffing Bellossom super hard.
Still gonna get destroyed by Staravia.
>>43056988Did you randomize evolutions too? Duskull should definitely be evoled by now.
Also I'm pretty sure there is a UPR setting to swap out enemy pokemon with "similar BST" substitutes.
Also it's only fitting that the person with the most deaths also gets the best mons (IMO.) Blissbro is insane.
>>43057041I think between Gyarados, Crobat, and Monferno you should have no problem. Good luck.