Not even sidequests like this are safe from the autism.
>>54865830Yeah, they could have given it something cool like Mega Launcher at least, it's not even an obtainable Mega anyhow.
>>54865839I love her no matter what and frankly her having issues like this endears me to her more than anything but it sucks that Jan just randomly decided to make her act as bitchy as she was in older version outta nowhere.
>>54865875And it has berries that heal a crapton of it's HP back, and it constantly switches types and movepool and it gets massive power boosts, and so on, I don't understand the necessity of making random sidequest bosses like this a pain in the ass.
>>54865886The Madame Moto faggot pretty much said he won't touch the mod until Rejuvenation gets finished, I don't believe that for even a second, but I can only imagine how much worse he's going to make these fights.
>>54865892It still depresses me how shafted Sceptile was, it's my third favorite after Empoleon and Delphox and to this day it's just so painfully meh.