>>51654242>>51654252>>51654253I noticed that as well. Because everyone focused more on DK. Gravity is by far the better move over Follow me.
>go to eleki>slap a gravity on itClef is basically a mandatory top lane at this point to ensure top lane goal is secure and to keep control/secure of Eleki
>>51654261>>51654278>So big nigger damage is going to shine really hard whereas something related to objectives and serious gameplay are going to be missed.Test servers are a joke. They only target damage kits/moves that stand out the most. Plus half the playerbase who are using Clef now still keep selecting DK/Follow me over what Gravity/moonlight can do, it is pretty pathetic how simp some players are
>>51654400>>51654419DK got heavily nerf from test serve and that indirectly nerfs Follow me. Best moveset is Gravity/Moonlight
>>51654492I wouldn't say a hotfix but potential nerf in the future. Timi hotfixes/quick nerf mons who are dealing shit ton of damage. Clef is only tanking/healing a shit ton like what Blissey was doing when its eggs got buff resulting in Blissey/Absol duo wrecking shit.
My build is Eject, BB/Focus/Wise(improve healing ratio) with this emblem load out to spam out gravity/moonlight as much as possible. But easily breaking 90k heals without even trying.