>>40113237OH MAI GAWD! IT WASN'T EVEN CLOSE! I STEAMROLLED THIS E4! GOD DAMMIT! I didn't lose a single one. Even fucking goldeen survived! ROOOOOOLLCAAAALL!:
>Brand the Charizard: MVP-contender - First to join! It is actually pretty good that charizard is a flying type, as that helps it stay useful throughout the entire game.>Mimien the MrMime: A true champion of the masses! Traded for an abra and I certainly wont regret it. Mimiens sp.def is impossible to match after a light screen! Carried the team through E4, had to warm the bench against agatha because I was just so bored.>Vikingline the Lapras: The lost messiah. I remember when I got him. I had just had half my team get wiped and lost my 2nd poliwrath, and morale was in the shitter (not that my team comp was bad, my charizard and vileplume got blue to eat my ass at silph co.) but Lapras assured that it was all gonna be alright. The only reason why this trek had only a single line of footsteps in the sand is because Vikingline carried the team so much.>All Might the Machamp: Useless! Holy shit! Never saw the light of day! NO NONONONO! Now I can't use him in future generations!>Ponydash the rapidash and Deen the goldeen: Same as machamp! Half my team were never used! >LoreleiA joke, trivialized by my Mr.Mime and Lapras
>Bruno and agathaliterally who?
>LanceA bitch. A thunder here and an ice beam there and vikingline slew his team
>BlueHoly jesus what a mess of a trainer. I opened up with charizard and took out the pidgeot, and retreated into Lapras when blastoise took his place.
Vikingline then fried the turtle with the help of blue himself as My thunder got 100% accuracy in Blastoise's rain dance.
Then it was exeggutor which got turned into a palmoil farm. Alakazam was scary, as I knew that if he got to set up it was over(the only reason I survived last time was because of clefable), and a psychic crit got him down to 1 HP! A last body slam fucked him, and then it was arcanine, who was dealt with.