>>51499587Before I forget, here's how the Hatterene lead fares against Hyperion.
252+ SpA Choice Specs Hatterene Moonblast vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Houndoom: 319-376 (109.6 - 129.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Now we move onto the crown jewel of his collection, Darkrai-Sephiroth. I didn't even know where to begin with this one, mostly because of its crazy bullshit ability. I thought throwing a Mold Breaker Pangoro with Close Combat at it is the best bet at killing it - immune to its ability, Final Nightmare is worthless as a result, resists Shadow Force 4x, and gets damaged neutrally by Spacial Rend and Cocytus Escape (whereas Mold Breaker Pinsir gets shredded by Cocytus Escape, and Mold Breaker Haxorus gets shredded by both Spacial Rend and Cocytus Escape).
Then I realized Magic Bounce should work on this too - so if he switches from Kronos to Hypnos, he'll just end up putting his specialest snowflake to sleep before it gets obliterated by Moonblast.
Darkrai-Sephiroth has 252 EVs and max IVs in SPA (plus a Modest nature) and SPD. These are the only stats with normal base stat values. The rest are as follows:
>HP: 70 --> 120 (+50), max IV/EVs>ATK: 90 --> 176 (+86), max IV/EVs, -Atk (Modest nature)>DEF: 90 --> 140 (+50), max IV/EVs>SPE: 125 --> 175 (+50), max IV/EVsIt has a base stat total of 836, which is higher than everything in the game except for Eternamax Eternatus. With that in mind, here's how our Hatterene fares against Darkrai-Sephiroth:
>252+ SpA Choice Specs Hatterene Moonblast vs. 252 HP / 252 SpD Darkrai-Sephiroth: 450-530 (101.3 - 119.3%) -- guaranteed OHKONot so special now, is it?