>>49556557Because I am virtually unable to even see any pussy with my own eyes and have prison-gayed myself over the span of an entire decade to obsess over alien-looking dicks that objectively are more appealing than any human cock would ever hope to be, especially any mutilated ones by the (fore)skin-cream industry for bullshit aesthetic reasons dear Anon…
>>49556614This entire cashgrab franchise needs upgrading first and foremost TBQH
>>49556575Tell how much did you payed for it? I want to make a counter-offer to get rid of you instead…
>If I had the required parts to make myself worthy of him - I wouldn't hesitate for a second to get down there for him, but I'm not a fag despite your insistence to say otherwise, so I won't dare to stain his pristine body in such disgusting way - but fortunately for me, there are other ways to garner his attention despite our incompatibilities. . .