>>50770010It was a day like any other, but this time they were going out for a little adventure. A husband and wife with their child had decided to take a trip around the Orange Islands to see if they could spot some Lapras. It was a wonderful idea, one that the couple loved doing together. But today was different from all the rest. Today would be their last trip around the islands before heading back home. They were about to start when suddenly a group of Team Rocket members came running up behind them. "You're under arrest!" shouted Jessie, James, and Meowth.
The man turned around in shock, then anger as he realized what was happening. He tried to get his family away from the Team Rocket grunts, but it was too late. They grabbed him and threw him into the back of their van. Then they drove off with his wife and daughter still inside.
As soon as the van was gone, the father ran after it. "Please! You can't do this! I'm your father!" he yelled at the top of his lungs.
Jessie laughed. "Oh yeah? And who are you?" she asked sarcastically. "Do you know where we're going? Do you know what will happen to my friends and me if we don't bring you back alive?"
"No!" cried the father. "I just want to save my family!"
James looked over at Jessie. "What's the matter? Aren't you used to this by now?"
Jessie shook her head. "We've been doing this for so long that it doesn't even faze us anymore," she said. "But there is something different about this guy." She looked at the father. "He's got a good heart. He cares more about his family than himself."
Meowth sighed. "And that makes him our perfect hostage."
James shrugged. "Whatever works, right?"
Jessie nodded. "So let's make sure we get everything out of him that we need to."
She opened the door to the back of the van. "Come on, Mr. Jones," she said. "It's time for us to have a little chat."
The father didn't say anything as he walked down the aisle toward the front of the van.