>>28399417>>28399400Hol up I just thought of something.
XY = Chromosomes = Genetics = Aether Foundation
Yvetal is the Pokemon of Destruction, something that all life goes through including plants.
Xerneas is the Pokemon of Life, giving birth to living things like plants and pokemon.
Zygrade is the Pokemon of Order, keeping nature in balance. Including the laws of nature such as life an death.
Aether is playing with creation (Life), going against the laws of nature (Alchemy) to create something that shouldn't exist. In doing so they summon the Ultra Beasts (Death) which bring harm to both Pokemon and Humans alike. Zygarde (Order) will have a role that balances out what Aether is doing with the help of Solgaleo and Lunala, who in there special phases turn white like the color on Zygrades chest.
Solgaleo and Lunala are the key to bridging the gap between life and death, X and Y as shown on Zygardes chest.
Zygarde literally has a form called "Zygarde Cells" which helps lend weight to it having a role in genetics.