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Done with the lakes section of the plot. As someone who is more familiar with Platinum, this section of the game really threw me off. The weird selection of pokemon the trainers have, Iron Island and Rock Climb being optional, it just feels like I did a bunch of unnecessary things in the wrong order. Oof is definitely the MVP of this team. She is surprisingly bulky and can hit almost everything quite hard with Strength and Surf. She put a lot of work against the Gym trainers specially, since they are not really monotype and feel more like second Rock and Water Gyms. Zor on the other hand is really frustrating. The lack of Levitate is really annoying with all the Geodudes running around and it feels like everything in this game has some Ground coverage. To make things worse, every other Bronzor I fought, and there are several in this part of the game, seems to have Levitate. I hate it.
Byron and Saturn were a complete joke. Twig and Zel destroyed their entire teams. Mars was a bit scary at first but I was able to put the Purugly to sleep before sending Star and Close Combating it. And thank got I did because apparently the fat cat is faster than my Staraptor.
Candice was definitely the tougher fight of this section. Zor took the Snover no problem but then got immediately put to sleep and confused by the Abomasnow. It got low on health so I switched to Star on a Wood Hammer and Fly it to death. Then came the Sneasel but Oof had no issue handling it. Last was the Medicham, who I assumed was going to use a Fighting move, so I sent Reav. It ended up using Ice Punch instead and doing over half of Reav's HP. Luckily she was faster and Medicham went down in a single Shadow Ball. Reav is another party member that is kinda lagging behind. She is in desperate need of evolving and getting stronger moves.