I'm this guy
>>47234342I started a nuzlocke on Radical Red. Pic related is my 3rd run of the evening, first to make it past Brock.
First run died to Brock. 2nd run I caught 3 grass types and a bug type to go with the Bulbasaur I picked in the first few routes (seedot, dustox, skidoo, and the grass monkey). I didn't even make it to Brock, I got smoked by the optional rival fight near Viridian. He only had a Charmander and a Starly.
3rd run I picked Squirtle. As with my previous failure my team now lacks diversity. I have 3 dark types now, but I had a Luxio before (changed to dark in RadRed) who sadly was a casualty to Misty, and a Gyarados (not dark but has the moves), which got blown the fuck out by a random trainer with a Heracross that knew Counter. I've also got an Alolan Meowth and a Scraggy in the box.
I'm at the point where I should be attempting Surge's gym, but Allah please forgive me, I "previewed" the fight and couldn't even get past his first mon, Pincurchin. Electric moves + scald just destroyed the whole team. The only other way I can go is facing Whitney, whose mostly Fairy types will obliterate my dark types. I'm stuck and it feels like another dead run.