>>16690073http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhgO1ZBCTfI"Flying Press, let's go!"
"Wow, what a sight to behold, people! We TRULY, TRULY are very, VERY lucky people to be within the audience TODAY. It seems as if the challenger has just ordered his Hawlucha to use Flying Press, Hawlucha's signature move that is also--dual-typed!"
"Ludicolo, Ludicolo, ludi!~"
Luchy hops atop one of the ring's corners and focuses dead-ahead on Hawk Hogan, after adjusting himself and locking-onto his target, Luchy hops off the corner and into the air, looking like some sort of rebel vigilante in the mix.
Luchy dives into the shiny black hawk and deals good damage on, his elbow pile-driving into his beak. Right in the middle of a Sky Attack, Hawk is taken down, instigating Cacnea to return and try to seal the win.
Cacnea pounds his arm into the ring with Needle Arm, "ONE....."
With Sky Attack charged up, Hawk manages to turn the tables at the last minute. Before Cacnea can count to three, he flips around and utilizes the now charged Sky Attack.
"Luchy, dodge!"
Thanks to his unburdened speed boost, Luchy manages to sidestep away from what would have been a devastating finisher for him. Hawk boosts into the air with Sky Attack, before making a perfect landing on the ring that attracts the attention of the fans.
"Finish that Hawlucha off, use
Sky Drop!"
"HAWWWWWWW, HAAAWLUCHA!!!" enraged from the missed Sky Attack, Hawk Hogan stirs up a little treachery on his own. Retrieving an Iron Ball from his inventory, he uses Fling.
It hits Luchy dead-on, and sends him to the ground. But before Cacnea can count again, Hawk swoops in and uses everything in his power to take Luchy into the skies.
Sky Drop.
"God...I hate that move..."
>Luchy is in Sky Drop! He can't attack!>What does Luchy do next!?