>>54621842Made short work of everyone on the boat. With a team like this, you could imagine how the Rival fight went, although there was a bit of a scare with Kadabra almost killing Lancelot but ti worked out. Surge was even easier with the combination of Arbok and Nidoking. 3 Badges down!
>>54622575I'm using Chrome, but it just doesn't want to cooperate. I've just resigned myself to print screen + paint for the forseeable future. A bit annoying, but I'll make due.
Also, yeah I'm gonna stick with these guys until someone else comes along that piques my interest. I know I've got a major Psychic weakness, but this IS gen 1 and really nothing counters psychic types anyway, so I'm just gonna play around it. I like these guys too much and they're all pretty useful for the time being. Part of the reason I was so pissed about losing Spearow is because I was planning on trading him for Farfetch'd, but even though he is still in the box, at this point I feel like that would be cheating since the purist thing to do would be to release him. Really, the next memeber to go is probably going to be Charmeleon funny enough. Everyone else is too valuable, but I might swap him with an Eeveelution after Erika.
Now for my least favorite part of the game: Rock Tunnel!