and Larry in a relationship they don't realize is unhealthy because neither of them are capable of properly communicating with each other.
Hassel tells Larry to play with himself to distract from the pain of penetration, and when confused Larry asks him to explain, Hassel talks about how it helps women, and suggests that Larry could think of his dick being a big clit. This sends Larry spiralling into a mess of thoughts where he wonders what's wrong with Hassel, and what's wrong with him, struggling with whether or not it feels good.
Upon noticing that Larry's lost in his thoughts, Hassel grabs him by the throat to snap him out of it, and he does so without realizing just how strong his grip is. Delirious from the strangling, Larry tells him that sex with him feels good.
In the little info box following the comic, it's mentioned that Hassel thinks they're living in a loving relationship, but he's not aware of his own subconscious humiliation fetish towards Larry and the degrading nature of how he talks to him in bed. Larry himself is wondering whether Hassel's treating him like a womanYou have to be logged in to see the comic