Quoted By:
>See Arti Kuno on radar
>go chaeck it out since there's been much activity in my area for legends
>group of about 8 people there
>pull up and ask if they started
>"yeah but you can join us mid game. The 'private lobby' button lets you do that."
>fuck, didn't know that, that's sweet
>use raid pass, hop on private lobby
>typed in code bulba-bulba-squirt
>"no lobbies found"
>they say maybe it was the first lobby they tried
>tried triple bulb
>"no lobbies found"
>"oh man, maybe they patched that out?"
>tell me they will wait for me if they fail again
>tell me they failed first 2 times
>wait a minute
>everyone gets excited they won
>"Congrats, guys"
>go back to car